Anywhere School recap: Updates worth noting
If you’d to review the slide deck of information, you can access it here: https://bit.ly/collabcornerjuly21
If you’d to review the slide deck of information, you can access it here: https://bit.ly/collabcornerjuly21
Are you a Google Classroom user? Do you support Google Classroom? Check out this edition of the Collaborative Corner where we review the recent Google Classroom changes and upcoming updates. Get a handle on when these features will be released and in what edition.
Screen capturing, available with Chrome OS 89 and above, is a beneficial tool for school districts to use. It allows you to record and save the content you engage with, or create, on a device. Screen capturing makes it easier for administrators to demonstrate digital issues and explain solutions, for teachers to develop complementary resources […]
As a former technology director, I was always looking for ways to find the ROI on the many initiatives and projects that we instituted around the district. Adding further complexity, Education IT tends to have different goals than a “traditional” IT department would. In education, we look for transformational changes in learning. Specifically, many schools […]
September 9, 2020 One of the most popular questions I get after completing the audit process with our customers is “We are trying to figure out your accent, where are you from?” Well, I am from Rhode Island, so my accent is a mash-up of Staten Island and Boston with a hint of Jersey Shore. […]
August 21, 2020 It’s always DNS. Where have I heard that before? While there are plenty of changes proposed for the future of how we should enhance and secure DNS further, today I will focus on the path Chrome is taking (and Firefox as well). DNS over HTTPS. DNS normally works on port 53 via […]
March 10, 2020 Can we turn off apps if teachers/faculty are not on our network? Can we make this only work when students are at school? These sort of questions probably sound very familiar. In education technology, these types of requests are frequent and most settings do have had the ability to be set granularly […]
With Chromebook popularity continuing to rise at an exponential rate it’s always a good time to “talk Chromebooks.” In this post, we will remind you of some previously shared information, some new tips/tricks and provide some areas to consider as you continue to manage, grow, and leverage your Chromebook program. Let’s start with some good […]
Application management is a necessary part of any platform management solution. Where Google Workspace users are leveraging multiple repositories for gaining access to applications, it can feel like a maze at times making sure that you’ve done everything in your power to protect users from themselves. And with the ever-changing environments, knowing which settings affect […]
School is fast approaching and soon (if not already) students will be firing up Chromebooks in classrooms across your district. You can become the hero that your district didn’t even know they needed! Navigating websites, creating Google Drive files, accessing Google Workspace services will be a common task for students. So how can Google Workspace […]