Gopher for Gmail

Claw back emails after phishing attacks, FERPA breaches, or inappropriate sends…

    • Gmail, like any email system, can be a vector for malware and phishing attacks.  While Google has gotten better at catching these threats before they arrive in user inboxes, the threat continues to evolve and occasionally evade auto-detection.
    • Schools are mixed-user environments, where sensitive, legally-protected student information can sometimes end up in the wrong inboxes through user error, which can happen via email address auto-complete or a badly-formed Google Group.
    • Whether it’s a phishing attack, a FERPA snafu, or an inappropriate prank, school administrators need the power to react quickly to these incidents and eliminate the threat by removing carefully-identified emails from user mailboxes.

We had a teacher send out some private student info to a big mailing list inadvertently, and we were able to recall the message from all inboxes before most were able to view it in the AM! We’re poised and ready for the next major phishing email to hit…

Doug Alexander

Director of Technology, Warwick Public Schools

How Gopher for Gmail works

The beta version of Gopher for Gmail can only be run by a super administrator user, and is focused purely on targeted mass email deletion.  The list of emails to delete is taken from the Workspace admin console’s Email Log Search feature.

  • Be surgical about it

    Gopher for Gmail lets you use the Workspace admin console’s powerful Mail Log Search exports to refine & preview all emails before deleting them to reduce the risk of false-positives.

  • Act fast to triage the bad

    Reduce your response time with fast, multi-threaded execution that touches only those user inboxes requiring action.

  • Daylight on all actors

    Logs of email preview and deletion actions performed by Gopher for Gmail are permanent and visible across all administrators on the domain, ensuring no funny business.

Free Trial

$0 per year

Hello World 🙂

    • Allows users to preview the workflow, minus the premium features.
    • No ability to preview email body or perform deletion actions.
    • Quote request unlocks premium features for 30 days with no obligation

Try it Free

A la carte Domain Subscription

starting at

$225 per year

  • Free 30-day trial when you request a quote below
  • Unlimited domain users (user role must have neccessary API access)
  • Additional 10% discount for GAFE Collaborative members
  • Dedicated help desk and live chat support
  • Your first 30-days are free when you request a quote below

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Learn more about how to install and use Chrome Gopher.

Support & FAQ

Gopher for Gmail’s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.