This product is only available with the Admin Tools Unlimited bundle.
Local Hero is a server app that allows you to sync your SIS data with Google Sheets and BigQuery for creating customizable dashboards and automations.
Schedule the download of CSV exports from your SIS or other data platform backends and set up Local Hero to automate data syncs to Google Sheets and BigQuery.
Once the right data is always up-to-date in Sheets or BigQuery, just imagine the possibilities:
Connect Sheets or BigQuery to Google Data Studio to design smarter school processes, dashboards, and interventions that leverage live attendance or gradebook data.
Create a private, searchable student directory for staff using Spreadsheet tools like Awesome Table. See demo.
Build customized, collaborative data dashboards for leadership and teaching staff. See demo.
Create provisioning automations using Apps Script and Add-ons for Sheets
How Local Hero works
First, use relevant methods to schedule the delivery of SIS exports as CSV files to your local filesystem — this part Local Hero can’t do for you. Then set up Local Hero to automatically map and sync these CSV files from your filesystem to a destination Google Sheet, on the schedule of your choosing. Now use this live synced Sheet and a growing universe of Google Add-ons — or write your own custom time-triggered Apps Script utilities — to build downstream processes and tools like dashboards, workflows, and automations.

Local Hero’s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.